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Secure Your Business to the next Level

Let us show you the way

The rise in remote work trends and interconnectivity of endpoints comes with its own set of cybersecurity challenges. To combat these, there is a need for a modern, endpoint response and detection tools that can proactively block and isolate malware and ransomware threats and propel endpoint security into a zero-trust world.

Endpoints are physical devices that connect to and exchange information with a computer network. Examples of endpoints are modems, routers, mobile devices, desktop computers, virtual machines, embedded devices, and servers.

We conduct a security audit of your business

Many small business owners believe that they are already using secure technology effectively, because they have a website and Facebook page. But there are many more ways to use digital technology to improve your business outcomes.

Conducting a security audit will help you work out whether your business is a digital novice, digitally active or digitally advanced.

Website Specialists, Central Coast NSW

The 3 stages of digital innovation

Surviving (novice)

Your business at this stage would have some digital innovation by using basic and broad digital channels. For example, you might have a website that isn’t updated regularly, and are unable to accept orders via email.

Consolidating (active)

Your business at this stage would have moderate digital innovation, with a website that is actively used as an e-commerce platform to accept orders. You may be using various pieces of software internally to simplify your processes, or they may be using some cloud-based services for remote workers.

Leading (advanced)

Your business at this stage is at the top of the digital innovation game, and constantly striving to better its digital position. You embrace digital solutions across the 9 key components of a digital strategy, and invest in technology and digital solutions across every level of the business.

9 Key Components Here

Do you know what a security strategy means and how it can help your business?

As cyber attacks grow in volume and complexity, artificial intelligence (AI) is helping under-resourced security operations analysts stay ahead of threats. Curating threat intelligence from millions of research papers, blogs and news stories, AI technologies like machine learning and natural language processing provide rapid insights to cut through the noise of daily alerts, drastically reducing response times

Digital Marketing

You use basic search engine optimisation (SEO) You have some directory listings Google Maps shows your business location and details You use online advertising You use Google Adwords You use search engine results page (SERP) You use search marketing You use content marketing You have integrated online/offline marketing and promotion activities


Search engines (namely, Google Search and Maps). Social media channels (including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok, and Pinterest). Online directory listings (there's more to them than you may think!) Your local community (events, sponsorships, and press). In order to survive and grow, your business needs customers. In order to get customers, you need to promote your business. In the good old days, this was a matter of deciding between a flyer, a brochure, a postcard, or an ad in the local newspaper. But in today’s digital world, the possibilities are endless

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

It’s one thing for you to promote your business; it’s another thing for Google to promote your business. SEO is a set of practices that align your business with Google’s ranking algorithm. But because this algorithm has evolved to use machine learning and user behavior to produce the most accurate and quality results for searchers, optimizing for search engines is really just optimizing for searchers—particularly those searching for what you have to offer. SEO isn’t just one tactic, but many tactics that collectively work together to improve your rank. Also, because Google has superb location-based results, you have just as much of a chance as big retailers to show up on the first page of Google— without spending a dime! (With the exception of the costs to get a website, of course).